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Invoicing is a great tool for businesses that provide home or professional services, and need to itemize bills, or take deposits. Invoices are helpful for recording transactions with clients, as well as requesting timely payment from customers/clients. With SpotOn Virtual Terminal Invoicing you can send an invoice, with all the details of the sale to the customer’s email address, which leads directly to the Customer Payment Portal.


For a video tutorial on how to use the Invoicing feature of SpotOn Terminal, click here

Create a New Invoice



  1. From the Merchant Dashboard, click the drop-down menu icon in the upper left (3 x 3 square icon), and select Virtual Terminal

  2. In the Menu bar From the pop-out menu on the left, Select on Invoicing

  3. Select Create Invoice on the right side of the screen, click on InvoicingClick

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Create Invoice

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This will display the New Invoice page, where the invoice can be tailored to the sale exactly.

  1. In the Bill To section, search for existing customers or click Create New Customer Account to Add Customer

  2. In the Invoice Details section, input a Title for the invoice (optional), i.e., the service or product provided

  3. Input Custom Invoice ID if applicable (optional)

  4. In the Message section, a “Thank you” message can be customized to the client or customer

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The Line Items section is where the product or service is added to the invoice.

  1. Click Add Line Item

  2. Input the Line Item detailsFrom the Create Invoice screen, input the following information into the required fields:

  • Bill to

  • Invoice Details

    • Invoice Title (optional)

    • Custom Invoice ID (optional)

    • Invoice message

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Line Items

  1. To add line items with product or service details, select Add Line Item

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2. Input theLine Item details in the required fields:

  • Item Name

  • Price (Per Item)

  • Quantity

  • SKU (optional)

  • Taxable (select the check box if

  • desired)

  • Additional note for customer, i.e., further item/service description (optional)

Click Add

Add any additional Line Items at this time

3. Select Add

4. Additional line items may be added as needed

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  1. To add any applicable Discountsdiscounts, click select Add Discount


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2. From the Edit Discount pop-out menu, input the following information into the fields:

  • Discount Name

  • Select dollar ( $ ) or percentage ( % ) discount by clicking on the required icon

  • Input the discount amount

  • Click Update

3. The invoice will display all Line Items, any applicable taxes/fees/discounts, and the Total total invoice due.

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In the

Payment Schedule

and Options sections, the invoice

  1. To select a due date,

any deposits required, when to send the invoice, and reminders can be set.
  1. Click on the > in the Payment Schedule to select the Due Datelocate the Invoice Balance section and select the right arrow button (>) on the right side of the screen

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2. From the Invoice Balance Due pop-out menu, select a due date from the following options:

  • Immediately

  • 7 days

  • 15 days

  • 30 days

  • End of the Month

  • Custom

  • Click Update

  • If a Deposit
    • (select a specific date on a calendar)

    3. Select Update to save the due date

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    1. If acustomer deposit is required, toggle on Request Initial Deposit. Select Amount or Percentage, and input the amount. Set the date the deposit is due

    2. To set a deposit amount, navigate to the Deposit section, select the right arrow button (>) on the right side of the screen

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    3. From the Request Deposit pop-out screen, select dollar ( $ ) or percentage ( % ) discount by clicking on the required icon

    4. Input the required deposit amount

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    5. To set the due date, select the right arrow button (>) on the right of the the Due section and select from the following options:

    • Immediately

    • 7 days

    • 15 days

    • 30 days

    • End of the Month

    • Custom (select a specific date on a calendar)

    6. Click Save

    7. Click Update to apply to the deposit amount and due date to

  • Click on the > in the Options section to select the Send Invoice date

  • To send Reminders, tick

    the invoice

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    Invoice Options

    Send Invoice

    1. To choose a date to send the invoice, navigate to the Send Invoice section and select the right arrow button (>)

    2. Choose from the following options:

    • Immediately

    • 7 days

    • 15 days

    • 30 days

    • End of the Month

    • Custom (select a specific date on a calendar)

    3. Select Update

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    Send Reminders

    1. To send reminders, check the Send Reminders checkbox

    2. Click Edit to adjust reminders

      To adjust reminders, select Edit

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    3. From the Reminders pop-out menu, click Add Reminder

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    4. Input the required interval number and use the drop-down menu to choose between the following reminder intervals:

    • Days before due date

    • On due date

    • Days after due date


    Note: More than one reminder can be set up at a time

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    5. Select Update

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    Request Shipping Address

    1. To request a shipping address from the customer, tick check the Request Shipping Address box

    2. Add any desired attachments with the + Add Attachment button

    3. Click Send

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    Terms and Conditions

    1. Input any desired terms and conditions in the empty field

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    1. Attach any desired files by selecting Add Attachment

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    2. Preview the invoice or save as a draft if desired

    3. Select Send to send the new invoice

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    Invoice List

    The invoice list can be manipulated or sorted and filtered in numerous different ways, from date to invoice status of invoice.



    One of the easiest ways to

    Sort By Invoice Status

    1. To search/sort through the Invoice list is by clicking on the Filter drop down menu.

    2. In this menu you can select Select from the following options:

      • All

      • Sent (Last 7 Days)

      • Draft

      • Overdue

      • Unpaid

      • Paid

      • Scheduled

      • Undelivered

      • Archived

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    Sort by Date Range

    To search by specific date ranges, click on the Time drop-down menu.

    1. Select one of the following:

      • All Time

      • This Week

      • This Month

      • Last Month

      • Last Year

    2. From a specific date → To a specific date

      • Highlight Select the desired start and end dates on the calendar to select

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      • calendar display

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    Sort by Column Heading

    To sort the Invoice list by the various columns: Column Headings

    1. Click the desiredcolumn heading to sort alphabeticallyor numerically:

      • Date

      • Customer

      • Invoice ID

      • Title

      • Amount

      • Status

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    View Invoice Details

    When an invoice is selected from the Invoice List, there are options merchants can choose to send reminders to customers, make payments, view recent activity, print, resend, download invoices as PDF PDFs, or void an existing invoice.



    1. Select an the desired invoice from theInvoice List to view options The following will displayfollowing the invoice information:

      • Invoice ID number

      • Invoice Total total

      • Deposit due date, total, and status

      • Balance due date, total, and Invoice Status status

      • Send Reminder button

      • Add Payment button

      • Bill To details

      • Recent Activity

      • Invoice Details

        • Menu Options … in the upper right corner

        • Send Invoice

        • Duplicate Invoice

        • Print Invoice

        • Download PDF

        • Void Invoice

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      • Shipping Information

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    Invoicing Options



    Send a Reminder

    1. Click From the desired invoice details, click Send Reminder

    2. The pop-up Send Reminder window will display.

    3. Input Message a reminder message for your customer in the field. message to customer (optional)

    4. Click Select Send

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    Add a Payment

    1. Click From the desired invoice details, select Add Payment

    2. Select the desired invoice from theInvoice List to and select from the the following payment options:

      • Pay Deposit (if one exists)

      • Pay in Full

      • Custom amount

        • Enter the amount

    3. Input note (Optional)

    4. Select
        • into the required field

    5. Add a note for the customer in the empty field (optional)

    6. To accept a credit card payment, select Manually enter card information to take card payment orSelect

    7. To accept cash, check, or payment through a SpotOn POS device, select Record payment received and indicate the method chosen

      • Cash

      • Check

      • SpotOn Point of Sale

    8. Email the receipt to the customer by checking the Email Receipt checkbox

    9. Click Submit Payment

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    Void an Invoice

    1. Click From the desired invoice details, select the Menu Options in the upper rightSelect button on the top right corner of the screen

    2. From the down-down menu, select Void Invoice

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    3. A popup will display “pop-up confirmation screen will appear that displays the following message:

    Void this invoice?

    An email will be sent to the customer letting them know


    this invoice is no longer valid?

    4. Click Void Invoice to confirm voidcontinue voiding the invoice. Select Cancel to stop the voiding process

    5. A Success green success message will display in the lower left advising the invoice has been Voided and the invoice number


    corner of the screen upon completion

    • The newly voided invoice will now display in the Invoice List with a Voided status

    of Voided

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    Invoicing Default Settings

    The Invoice Invoicing Default Settings menu is where default settings and reminders are set up. You Merchants do not have the ability to change Taxes or Fees or add Customization, like logos and brand colors from Invoice Settings. Those must be changed in the Account & Settings section, however, Invoice Settings displays a link to the Account & Settings page for easy access to make those any desired changes.

    Accessing Invoice Defaults Settings



    1. Click From the Invoice screen, select in the upper right hand corner of the Invoice listSelectscreen

    2. From the drop-down menu, select Invoice Settings

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    Invoice Defaults

    These will be the default settings for all new invoices

    1. Click on Invoice Defaults to edit

    2. Input a Title (optional)

    3. Input a Message

    4. Select the Send Invoice default date

    5. Select the Invoice Due default date

    6. If you require shipping details, check the Request Shipping Address box

    7. Add any Terms & Conditions (optional)

    8. Click Save

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    3. The Invoicing Defaults menu will display

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    Default reminder settings can be created to automatically send reminders to the customer via email before and after a payment is due. Once an invoice has been paid, reminders will no longer be sent.

    1. Click Reminders to edit

    2. Toggle Auto-Schedule payment reminders for invoice On/Off to preference

    3. Click + Add Reminder to add a new reminder default

    4. Click the blank new reminder and choose:

      • Days before due date

      • On due date

      • Days after due date

    5. Select the left column of the new reminder to set the days (before/after, or 0 if a reminder is to be sent on the Due Date)

    6. Click on the to the right of a reminder to Add Message or Remove Reminder

    7. Click Update when done

    Customer View



    Invoice Email

    1. The customer invoice email will include:

      • Invoice Amount

      • Due dates

      • Payment Portal button

      • Customer details

      • Line Items

      • Customized message

    2. Click Pay Invoice to access the customer Payment Portal for credit card payments

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    Payment Portal

    1. When Pay Invoice is clicked from the invoice email it will take the customer to the Payment Portal

    2. The amount due and due date will display

    3. The customer will enter their card details and click Pay

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    Invoicing Defaults

    The Invoicing Defaults menu is designed to set defaults for creating new invoices. Note that these settings can be overridden on individual invoices.


    Note: The Mobile preview of the invoice displays to the right by default as Invoice Defaults are set.

    Invoice Branding



    1. Upload a logo by selecting the Upload button and selecting an image file on a computer or mobile device


    Note: SpotOn recommends uploading logo sizes of 1280 x 648px or 2:1 ratio for the best resolution

    2. Turn the toggle on or off to show the image on printed invoices

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    Brand Colors

    1. Enter or select a custom hex color to match the company’s brand colors.

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    Invoice Template

    1. Input the following required fields:

    • Invoice Title

    • Message

    • Terms & Conditions

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    Invoice Details

    1. Turn the toggle on/off to display/hide the business name under the company logo


    Note: New “Prepared By” feature coming soon!

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    Item Details

    1. Turn the toggles on/off to display/hide SKU or Description information

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    Business Information

    1. Turn the toggles on/off to display/hide the email and phone number for the business

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    1. To add additional photos or documents to the invoice, select +Add Attachment


    Attach up to 10 files or a total of 10MB

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    Other Defaults

    1. Set the Send Invoice frequency by clicking the Send Invoice drop-down menu and choose from the following options:

    • Immediately

    • in 7 days

    • in 15 days

    • in 30 days

    • Invoice total

    2. Set the Invoice Due frequency by clicking the Invoice Due drop-down menu and choose from the following options:

    • Upon Receipt

    • 7 days from the send date

    • 15 days from the send date

    • 30 days from the send date

    3, Toggle on/off Request a shipping address as desired

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    Request a Shipping Address

    1. Turn the toggle on to request shipping addresses from customers

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    Invoice Reminders

    1. Turn the toggle on to send payment reminders to customers


    Note: Once a customer has paid an invoice, these reminders will no longer automatically be sent.

    2. To add a new reminder, select +Add Reminder

    3. Input the desired number of days for the frequency rate in the empty field

    4. Use the drop-down menu and select the desired frequency rate options:

    • Days before the due date

    • Days after the due date

    • On due date

    5. Input a reminder message to your customer (optional)

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    Mobile & Printed Invoice Preview



    Mobile Preview

    1. The Invoicing Defaults screen automatically displays preview of the mobile invoice on the right side of the screen

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    Printed View Preview

    1. From the Invoicing Defaults screen, select the Printed View tab on the right

    2. A Printed Preview pop-up window will display for review

    3. Select the X on the top right corner of the window to exit the printed view preview

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    Invoicing Notifications

    Merchants can set up invoicing notifications with a variety of automated email update settings to help monitor invoicing progress and outstanding customer balances with ease.



    1. From the Invoice screen, select button on the upper right hand corner of the screen

    2. From the drop-down menu, select Invoice Settings

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    3. From the menu on the lefthand side of the screen, select Invoicing Notifications

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    4. Toggle on the Receive Email Notifications switch to

    5. Choose from the following email notification options by selecting (or unselecting to remove a notification type) the corresponding check box(es):

    • Sent: Get a copy of the invoice you sent

    • Viewed: Customer views an invoice

    • Updated: You updated an invoice

    • Overdue: Invoice is overdue

    • Canceled: Invoice was canceled

    • Reminder Set: You set a reminder

    • Paid: Invoice was paid by customer

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