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Promo codes are for use by customers and guests online to access discounts, and are set up in the BOH.



1. Click the Locations icon

  • Select the desired Location(s)

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2. In the Settings section, tick the Accept Promo Code Discount checkbox

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3. Use the above steps from Create a Discount to create a discount for SpotOn Order


It is good practice to name the discount in a similar fashion to the promo code you will use, to avoid confusion

4 2. Scroll to the Promo Code section of the discount and click the Add/Update button

5 3. In the Add/Update Discount Promo Code pop up, input the desired promo code


Promo codes cannot have any spaces

6 4. Check the Available checkbox

7 5. Click Save

  • You will see a green Success! popup

8 6. In the Order Types section, select the SpotOn Order types this discount applies to

9 7. In the Permissions section, select the designated SpotOn Order User


This discount will affect the entire order, promo codes cannot be created for use on a single item
