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The Sales tab allows users to view detailed information about Sales Trends, Sales Summary, Sales by Items, and Sales by Staff. Users are also able to export this data to CSV files.






Sales Trends

The Sales Trends section will display the Daily Gross Sales, Weekly Gross Sales, and Yearly Gross Sales. Users may export these reports to CSV by selecting the Export CSV button beneath each chart


Sales Summary

The Sales Summary section will display the following sales breakdowns:

  • Gross Sales

  • Sales and Refunds

  • Total Collected by Tender

Users may choose a custom date range and export these reports to CSV file format by selecting the Export to CSV button,


Sales by Items

The Sales by Items report will display the following information:

  • Top Items

  • Item Sale History

Users can choose a custom date range and filter the report as needed for further breakdowns. They may also export the Sales by Items Report by selecting the Export CSV button


Sales by Staff

The Sales by Staff Report has two tabs available for users to view data from: Net Sales and Orders. Users may select a custom date range if desire. Both tabs display the following information:

Top Staff Members

  • The Top Staff members Net Sales or Orders

Staff Sales History

  • A full roster of employees listed by their Net Sales or Orders. Users may export to CSV format by selecting the Export CSV button


Daily Sales and Restaurant Reports.

Daily Sales



  1. From the Merchant Dashboard, select Sales from the menu panel on the left

  2. Select Daily Sales

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3. The Daily Sales page can be updated to select a specific date using the Calendar buttons in the top right corner

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Net Receipts

The Net Receipts section displays the following information:

  • Total Net Receipts

    • Net Payments

    • Net Deposits

    • Net Pay In/Out

    • Net Receipts

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Top Sellers

The Top Sellers will show a ranking of top selling items by sales totals.

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Top Discounters

The Top Discounter section shows a ranking of employees providing the most discounts.

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Top Employee Sales

The Top Employee Sales section provides a ranking of employees making the most sales.

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Net Sales

The Net Sales section will display the following information:

  • Net Sales

  • Day Part

  • Order Type

Each of these catorgies are further broken down by column details:

  • Net Sales by Category

  • Net Sales by Sales

  • Net Sales by Voids

  • Net Sales by Actual Value

  • Net Sales by Discounts

  • Net Sales by Refunds

  • Net Sales Totals (by category)

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Net Cash

The Net Cash section displays the following information:

  • Total Cash Received

  • Non-Cash Tips Total

  • Auto Gratuity Total

  • Cash Paid In Total

  • Cash Paid Out Total

  • Net Cash Total

  • Cash Deposits/All Deposits Total

  • Over/Short Total

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The Payments section shows a full breakdown of all payments received. Each payment type is broken down by columns on the top:

  • Quantity

  • Sales total

  • Tips total

  • CC Pay In/Out Total

  • Deposits

  • Full Total

The Payment Types available are displayed on the left are:

  • Cash

    • Cash Total

  • Other

    • Other Payment Type Total

  • Auto

    • Auto End of Day

  • Handheld Credit Card Payments

    • AMEX

    • Discover

    • Mastercard

    • Visa

    • Handheld CC Totals by Type

  • Refunds

    • Refunds Total

  • Total Payments

    • Taxes total

    • Auto Gratuity total

    • Surcharges total

    • Deposits total

    • Gift card sales total

    • Gift card discounts total

    • Tips total

    • CC Pay In/Out total

    • Refunded Taxes total

    • Refunded Auto Gratuity total

    • Refunded Surcharges total

    • Refunded Surcharges Taxes total

    • Order Deposits Applied total

    • Net Sales Total

  • Credit Cards Groups by Type

    • AMEX total

    • Discover total

    • Mastercard total

    • Visa total

    • Total Credit Cards total

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Pay In / Out

The Pay In /Out section displays a breakdown of Pay In/ Out information, including:

  • Payment Type total

  • Cash total

  • Credit Card total

  • Total Sum

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The Taxes section shows a breakdown of collected taxes, including:

  • Tax Type total

  • Tax Rate total

  • Inclusive Tax total

  • Exclusive Tax total

  • Total Taxes

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Gift Card Summary

The Gift Card Summary section displays detailed information about gift card transactions, including:

  • Liability total

  • Count total

  • Discounts total

  • Total sum of gift cards used

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The Refunds section displays a breakdown of Refunds by Category, including the following:

  • Item Sales total

  • Discounts total

  • Surcharges total

  • Sales Tax total

  • Surcharge Tax total

  • Auto Gratuity Tax total

  • Total Excluding Gratuity total

  • Auto Gratuity total

  • Tip total

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The Surcharges section displays the following information:

  • Surcharge Name/Type

  • Count

  • Total by Type

  • Total Surcharge

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Net Sales by Payment Type

The Net Sales by Payment Type section shows a breakdown of the following:

  • Net Sales totals by Cash and Credit Card

  • Total Payments by Cash and Credit Card

  • Total Non-sale Payments by Cash and Credit Card

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The Labor section shows the labor the total number of hours, costs, and percentage of sales by job posiition.

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