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Table of Contents



To access Dining Table SectionsProgram Settings, log into the SpotOn Reserve Web Portal, click Settings, select Dining Room, and click Sections.


and select Program Settings



Scheduling Mode

  • Set to Default (accepts available online reservations at any time) or Spread (accepts 25% of the available online reservations per hour at each quarter hour).

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Members Get VIP Status

  • If Loyalty is activated in SpotOn Reserve,, any guest whose mobile number is in the loyalty program will be automatically flagged as a VIP with the VIP star if this box is checked.

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Pager Type

  • Spoton Reserve’s default setting is set to SMS (texting mobile numbers). However, SpotOn Reserve has integrated with Jtech and LRS pagers. SeatNinja must be run on the same WiFi network as the LSR/Jtech pagers for paging directly from SpotOn Reserve Host to the pager wafer. Changing this setting to LRS or Jtech means the system will page either the guest’s mobile phone or a pager they are provided.

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Sort Wait List by “Next To Be Seated”

This switch will order the wait list by the next party to be seated, co-mingling Reservation and Wait List parties

Supported Actions- Waitlists & Reservations

In this section you can set or enable the following:

  • Min party size for reservations

  • Max party size for reservations (system max is 99)

  • Table Management features

  • Reservations features

  • Waitlist features

  • Take out notifications features

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Supported Sections (Online) - Waitlists & Reservations

In this section you can set or enable the following:

  • Min party size for online reservations

  • Max party size for online reservations (system max is 99)

  • Online reservations (for the restaurant website through the Weblink or Web Widget)

  • Google Reserve online reservations

  • Min party size for online waitlists

  • Max party size for online waitlists (system max is 99)

  • Online waitlists (for the restaurant website through the Weblink or Web Widget)

  • Google Reserve online waitlists

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Settings - Waitlists & Reservations

  • Allow guests to see wait position - With this switch checked, guests that are put on your waitlist will be sent a second text message immediately after their welcome message with a link to see, in real-time, their position on the waitlist. As you seat guests and their position moves up, your guests will be able to watch themselves get closer to the front of the line. When this switch is not checked, this additional message will not be sent.

  • Auto acknowledge guest cancellations - When you page Table Ready messages to your guests, they have the option to send back a “On My Way” message or a “Cancel” message. When this switch is not checked, the waitlist bubble of the guest will turn red and will indicate “User Canceled” when your guest sends back a “Cancel” message. The red waitlist bubble can be dismissed by the Host by simply touching it. When this switch is checked, a user cancelation will cause the waitlist bubble to disappear without notification to the Host. All cancelations can be restored by finding the guest in the Schedule View.

  • Auto flag large party size -  This switch is normally set to 5 and will display a Large Party flag on a guest’s reservation or waitlist bubble when the party is 5 or more. This switch can be set to any number. Setting the switch to 0 will deactivate the Large Party flag.

  • Decline Wait List Enabled - This switch, if checked, will allow a red Decline button option for Hosts to use in declining guests who are trying to use the online waitlist function to get on the waitlist. If this switch is not checked,

Reservations will appear below the Wait List, and guests on the Wait List will appear in order of arrival.

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Group Wait List by Reservation Status

  • This switch, if checked, the wait list will group items by status into their own sections making it easier to see partially sat and checked in parties.

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Minutes Between Seating Parties

  • Suggests the minutes in the box as a suggested wait time to each party put on the wait list to act as a “server cool down” and help Hosts prevent double/triple seating of servers.

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Auto-Acknowledge User Cancellations

  • Causes wait list parties to disappear from the wait list if users respond with a cancelation to text messages or remove themselves from a wait list or a reservation using the SpotOn Reserve mobile app. With this box unchecked, user cancellations turn the party RED until tapped by the Host to clear.

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Confirm Reservations by Text 24 Hours In Advance

  • When this box checked, every reservation will receive a text confirmation to their mobile number 24 hours in advance of their reservation day and time.

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Server Rotation Mode

  • In either rotation mode, if a server's table assignments become full, then they will be skipped over. However, they will not lose their place in the rotation. Meaning, if a server is overdue for a table once one of their tables becomes available, they will automatically move and be first in line in the rotation for the next party.

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Round Robin

  • Servers get assigned parties in the order they were first assigned to tables. If a new server comes on, they will be placed first in the rotation for the next party, and then will be put to the end of the rotation order once a assigned a party.

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Load Balanced

  • Similar to Round Robin mode, but prioritizes balancing the load among servers.This can be observed with how new servers fit into an existing rotation. When a new server comes on they will remain at the front of the rotation until they catch up to everyone else.

    • For example, there are 3 servers on shift (A, B, C) and each is assigned to three tables. If servers A and B both have two parties sat when server C starts their shift, Server C will get the next two parties (assuming the tables they are assigned can accommodate the parties) before moving to the end of the rotation order. This mode can lead to servers being double and triple sat during the catch up process. If more than one server needs to play catch up, then they will rotate back and forth until caught up, and then join the rest of the rotation. Once everyone is caught up then it will work in a Round Robin fashion.

(Video Coming Soon)

Pager Escalation Mode

  • The SpotOn Reserve Host Paging System escalates as the guest is repeatedly paged. If the current paging type isn't appropriate for the guest it will be skipped and the next one will be used instead (ie. a text cannot go to a land line phone, so the text message is skipped and a phone call is placed). A push notification is used by companies incorporating our SpotOn Reserve API into their own mobile app. 

    • Default: Push Notifications → Text Message → Phone Call → No Answer Message Returned

    • Text Only: Push Notifications → Text Message → Text Message → No Answer Message Returned

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  • this button will not be present and there is no way to decline a guest from getting on the waitlist. The Host will only be able to increase or decrease the wait time. 

  • Maximum days in advance an online reservation can be made - This switch is defaulted to 180 days. The maximum number of days in advance allowed by the system is 365 days. Guests will not be allowed to make an online reservation in advance beyond the number of days specified. 

  • Minimum reservation lead time (minutes) - This switch is defaulted to 30 minutes. This switch causes online reservation times that are less than 30 minutes from the current time not to be available. You can choose any lead time in increments of 15 minutes with a minimum of 15 minutes. At no time will a reservation time be available that is less than the current wait time. A guest cannot make a reservation that would seat them before the current wait time would.

  • Pager Escalation Mode - The system has a default method of sending an SMS text the first time a guest is Paged. The second time a guest is Paged, the guest will receive an automated call that reads the same message that was sent in the text. (The reason that this is effective is that sometimes a guest won’t feel their phone vibrate with just one text.) The alternative to the Default mode is a Text Only mode, where the first and second Pages send an SMS message to the guest. After the second text message is sent, the text messaging is disabled and the system will give the Host an error message suggesting that since the guest is not responding that they try to contact them in a different way. 

  • Show online wait list notification - When this switch is checked, a guest that is joining the waitlist from Google or your website will cause a notification to appear on the right side of the Host app accompanied by a “chirping” sound. When the Host presses the notification, they can see who the guest is and view the wait time that the system has quoted them. The Host will then have the opportunity to modify the wait time, if necessary, and confirm the guest onto the wait list. The notification is available for 90 seconds for the Host to view. After 90 seconds, the system automatically puts the guest onto the waitlist with the wait time quoted by the system. If this switch is unchecked, there will be no notification for the Host to see and the system will automatically put the guest onto the waitlist with the wait time quoted by the system.

  • Sort wait list by next to be seated

    • When this switch is checked, it affects the wait list in two ways:

      • First, both the green reservation bubbles and the orange waitlist bubbles will be commingled in the waitlist in the Main Floor view. 

      • Second, the bubbles will be shown in the order that the system expects to seat them. This may mean that some waitlist parties may be sat before parties that arrived ahead of them, depending on the status of the restaurant. 

    • When this switch is unchecked, it affects the wait list in two ways:

      • First, the wait list bubbles will all be shown in the order that the guests were put on the list.

      • Second, the waitlist bubbles will be grouped together and be shown on top of the reservation bubbles, which will be shown in a second group below the waitlist bubbles. 

  • Allow name only reservations -  When this switch is unchecked, the system will require the Host to obtain a phone number with each reservation. If this switch is checked, the Host may take a reservation form a guest using their name only, without any other contact information required. 

  • Auto assign tables to wait lists - When this switch is checked, the system suggests tables for all parties, so long as a table is available for that party size. If this switch is unchecked, the system will not assign suggested tables to guests. In addition, if the switch is unchecked, the system will be unable to determine what the current wait times are, nor will it be able to give warning messages if you are in danger of overbooking your restaurant. 

  • Confirm reservations by text 24 hours in advance - When this switch is checked, the system will automatically send an SMS text confirmation to each guest with a reservation 24 hours prior to their reservation time. This allows the guest the opportunity to confirm or cancel the reservation. When this switch is unchecked, there will be no confirmation texts sent to guests. 

  • Members get VIP status - When this switch is checked, any guest that has a member number in their profile, either manually input by you or integrated with your loyalty program, will automatically have a STAR FLAG placed on their reservation or wait list and will be placed at the top of the wait list for special attention. If this switch is unchecked, the STAR FLAG will not be automatically placed on their wait list or reservation even if they are a loyalty member. 

  • Minimum time before auto cancel (minutes) - This setting is defaulted to 30 minutes. If a reservation is not sat at a table by 30 minutes after their reservation time, the reservation will automatically be cancelled. This feature can be set in 15 minute increments with the shortest time being 15 minutes. 

  • Server Rotation Mode - This mode is defaulted to Round Robin, which means that servers are rotated in a simple rotation, one after the other. If this mode is set to Load Balanced, the system will keep servers at the front of the list that have fewer tables than the other servers on the floor. Most restaurants use Round Robin, with only the larger restaurants using Load Balanced. A restaurant would want to use Load Balance if it has servers on the floor to start a shift, and then brings more servers on the floor an hour or so after the shift starts. Load Balanced offers the servers that are new on the floor to catch up to the same number of parties that the other servers have.

  • Sort grid tables by priority -  If this switch is unchecked, it means that the table numbers in the grid are shown in numerical order. If this switch is checked, it means that if you have ordered your tables in a special way in the Dining Room - Order setting, the tables in the grid will be displayed in that same order.

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