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All prior transactions (from both the Virtual Terminal, as well as the SpotOn Payments app) will be shown in chronological order by default. However, there are many ways to search and manipulate the list in order to find certain transactions, from the Search bar to the Filter settings.

Transaction History List

The date



  1. From the Terminal, select Transactions from the Menu bar on the left hand side of the screen to access the Transactions list

  2. The transactions will be listed in the most recent order, and each transaction will display:

  • Transaction type (sale, void, declined, or refund)

    • An orange dot on the transaction type icon indicates it is a declined transaction

    • A red dot indicates the transaction has been refunded

    • A gray dot indicates the transaction has been voided

  • The Transaction ID number
      • The Date the transaction took place

      • If available, the

    customer name
      • Customer Name

      • Payment type

        • If payment was done via credit, the issuer and last four digits of the card number will display

      • The

      • Transaction ID

      • The Status of the transaction, i.e., completed, voided, declined, refunded, etc.

      • The Amount of the transaction

    1. Click anywhere on the Transaction

    ID, or Details,
    1. to view Transaction Details

    2. Click

    arrow in the top left toreturnto
    1. Back to Transaction History to go back

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    Search Transaction History

    There are multiple ways to search the Transactions list, such as the Search bar, selecting a specific time frame, or even by transaction status.





    by customer or transaction details

    1. From the Terminal, select Transactions from the Menu bar on the left hand side of the screen to access the Transactions list

    2. In the Search Bar, use any of the following to search for a specific transaction(s):

      • Transaction ID

      • Order ID

      • Last Name

      • Email Address

      • Card Number (Last 4)

    3. Press Enter to execute search

    4. Click anywhere on the Transaction

    ID, or Details,
    1. to view Transaction Details

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    1. From the Terminal, select Transactions from the Menu bar on the left hand side of the screen to access the Transactions list

    2. To

    choose a period of time select an option from the Period Selector
    1. sort by date, click on one of the dates in the upper left corner

      • To select a custom date range:

        • Select Custom

        • Input the Start and End Dates desired

          • Select dates will display in highlight on the calendar

      • Or select a preset time frame option:

        • Today

        • This Week

        • This Month

        • Last Week

        • Last Month

  • To choose a specific set of dates, click Date Range. Highlight the desired time frame by selecting Start and End dates in the calendar

  • 2. In Transaction Status, you can narrow the search by selecting one or more statuses

    3. Click Apply Filters to search

    4. Click the Transaction ID, or Details,to view Transaction Details

    If multiple filters are selected, you can remove the filters by clicking Clear All Filters. Note, this option is only available when more than one filter is selected

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      • Click Apply Filters

    1. Click anywhere on the desired Transaction to view Transaction Details

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    1. Click the Filter button

    2. Select the desired Transaction Status(es):

      • All transactions (selects all)

      • Authorized

      • Completed

      • Refunded

      • Declined

      • Voided

      • Unknown

    3. Click Apply Filters

    4. Click anywhere on the desired Transaction to view Transaction Details

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    Sort by Column

    1. Click on a column title to numerically or alphabetically arrange the transaction list by selected column

      • The selected column will display a triangle symbol next to the title

    2. Click anywhere on the Transaction

    , or Details,
    1. to view Transaction Details

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    Viewing Individual Transaction Details



    1. Select a transaction to pull up the Transaction Details and view the following:

      • Transaction Status, i.e., Authorized, Completed, Declined, Refunded, or Voided

        • For Authorized or Completed transactions

    you have
        • there are the options to Refund Transaction and Email / Print Receipt

        • For Refunded, Declined, or Voided transactions

        • there is only

        • the option to Email / Print Receipt

      • Show History

        • View any additional history related to the transaction

      • Shipping

      • Subtotal

      • Discount

      • Convenience Fee

      • Tax

      • Total

      • Payment Method

      • Transaction ID

    1. Click

    the ← arrow in the top left toreturnto Transaction HistoryImage Removed

    Transaction Status








    Approved by the issuing bank, but not yet settled.

    Posted transaction, the merchant has been paid and the credit or debit card has been charged. Also displays for cash transactions.

    Transaction declined by the issuing bank and was not processed.

    Original transaction has been refunded in full.

    The transfer of funds from the customer’s account to the merchant has been cancelled.


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    1. ← Back to Transaction History to go back

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