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This content is intended for SpotOn Website customers whose Website was created prior to October 2023. For customers of SpotOn Website after October 2023, please visit this FAQ for assistance.

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As part of your SpotOn website, we offer online contact forms for potential customers to message you without disclosing your email. While these forms make communication more convenient, some people may use them to trick you into providing sensitive data. Keep the following in mind to safely communicate with customers and prevent possible phishing attacks.



Messages submitted through your website have the subject line “A Customer Sent You a Message”.

They are sent from no-reply@spoton.comvia and begin by letting you know the message comes from a customer and not from a SpotOn representative.

Most likely these are messages from legitimate customers, but we recommend caution when these emails ask you to take some action other than providing information about your services.

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Potential scammers may try to impersonate SpotOn using the contact form on your website.


SpotOn will never use these forms to send or request information

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Do not open links to websites you do not know.

Official SpotOn links include the domain name spoton.comwithout hyphens or special characters. Elements before the domain are separated by a dot and elements following it are separated by a forward slash.


Note that in the phishing examples, the core domain is not, but rather a variation of the domain name with hyphens, endings different than “.com” or completely different domains making such links highly suspicious.

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Always think twice before disclosing sensitive information such as bank account numbers, credit card information, or social security numbers, specially via email or external links.

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Fraudulent emails contain several phrases in caps that try to create a sense of urgency or ultimatum.

These are designed to make you act impulsively without considering the reliability of the message.

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A common phishing attempt is a notice of domain termination asking you to provide payment information.

If you own a domain with SpotOn, we will automatically renew it for you as long as you remain our client. If you purchased your domain with a third-party (GoDaddy, Google Domains, etc), please contact them directly.

If you have further questions regarding your domain or the authenticity of an email, contact us.

Another common attempt is an email saying you are infringing image copyright.

The stock images we use are licensed for commercial use and do not infrinfe copyright. We also use the images you send us, so we recommend you always use pictures that you own or that you have licensing rights to.

If you are unsure about an image you can contact us and we will gladly replace it.

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We are taking continuous action to protect you and your business. Thank you for being our valued client.


For further assistance, contact us at or at (415877) 306814-95224102.