Quick Links
Add Guests
With SpotOn Restaurant POS it is easy to add additional guests to existing orders/tabs. Once added to the order, it is possible to add new menu items, or transfer items to the new guest(s).
Add Additional Guest to Order
Action | Display |
Edit Guests
Change Guest Count
The guest count, i.e., adding or removing guests, can be done on any open orders.
Action | Display |
If using the Change Guest Count feature to remove guests, only guests without assigned menu items can be removed. To remove guests with assigned menu items, you can either use the Remove Guests steps below OR first transfer the items to another guest, then change the guest count. |
Rename Guest
If desired, it is possible to add a custom name for each guest to replace the default Guest #.
Action | Display |
| |
Remove Guest
Note: If you are removing a guest from an order that has assigned menu items you will need to either transfer their menu items to another guest (included in steps below) OR remove their menu items before removing the guest (See: Remove/Void Item from Order)
Remove Guests With No Assigned Menu Items
Action | Display |
Remove Guests With Assigned Menu Items
Action | Display |