Ticket Commands Menu | SpotOn Restaurant FOH

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Ticket Commands Menu

The Ticket Commands Menu can be accessed by tapping the top of the Order Ticket, displaying on the left hand side of the screen.

Ticket Command Buttons





Add Percentage Gratuity

Use to add percentage tip to guest check prior to payment

Add Fixed Value Gratuity

Use to add a dollar amount tip to guest check prior to payment

Add Discount

Select from applicable pre-programmed discounts; discount applied to entire order

Add Guest

Use to add one guest to order

Add Surcharge

Select from pre-programmed surcharges; surcharge applied to entire order

Attach Credit Card

Captures credit card info and renames order on swipe

MSR swipers only

Auto Course

Assigns course number (1) to unsent menu items; will be visible on kitchen tickets

Cancel Changes

Removes all unsent menu items from order

Change Guest Count

Select updated number of guests

Change Type

Select updated order type (e.g., Dine In, Carry Out, etc.)


Closes the order if balance is $0

Combine Orders

Select from other open orders to combine with current order

Customer Info

Find/add customers (contact info, notes, address, order history)

Done with Order

Specific 3rd party integration

Email Receipt(s)

Once an order is closed, use this to email the receipt to the customer

House and Loyalty

Find/add house accounts (if utilized)

Do not use to access Loyalty accounts


Find/add Loyalty accounts (if utilized)


Manage and/or split check(s) by adding guests and moving items

Move to Quick Sale

Use to move an order off the table to quick sale/carry out

Move to Table

Use to assign an order to any open table

Order Details

View the timestamp of each sent item on order


Prints receipt

Quick Send

Use to send items and continue working on the same order

Remove Gratuity

Use to adjust or remove gratuity


Set order name using onscreen keyboard


Use to reopen closed orders

Reprint Requisitions

Use to resend kitchen and/or bar tickets (sends entire order; Reprint will show in red on ticket)

Scheduled Order

Use to create/edit scheduled orders for a later date/time.

Minutes Before to Release determines when the ticket is sent to the kitchen.

Release Scheduled Order

Use to override the scheduled release time and manually release a scheduled order


Use to send items and return to the start screen, to access another order

Send to...

Use to send any unsent items to a different existing order

Split by Guest

Use to quickly split guest check by guests

Make Tax Exempt

Removes all pre-programmed taxes from entire order


Transfer order to another employee (must be clocked in and eligible to receive order)

Apply Standard Gratuity

Adds pre-programmed standard gratuity percentage to order