SpotOn Surcharge & Dual Pricing FAQs | SpotOn Retail POS

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What is changing?

Beginning April 15, 2023, the Visa Credit Card Surcharge Maximum Amount in the US Region will be lowered from 4% to 3%. The registration process will also shift to the acquiring bank through SpotOn.

Until April 14, 2023, clients intending to surcharge must still register with the card brands. 

For more information, please visit Visa’s Merchant Surcharge Q&A

What should I do if I am a surcharging client?

  1. Review your receipts and verify the surcharge is 3% or less. 

  2. Review your receipts and verify the surcharge is not applying to Debit, Prepaid, or EBT cards.

  3. Review your receipts and verify the surcharge is labeled and clearly displayed as a separate line item after the subtotal.

  4. Verify you have proper signage indicating the surcharge amount on applicable CREDIT cards only displayed at every entrance and POS station.

If any of the above is incorrect, contact your Sales Representative or SpotOn Support at 877-814-4102 for assistance.

The following rules apply to all surcharging clients:

  • Clients must register with SpotOn a minimum of 30 days before starting the program.

SpotOn must pre-approve all surcharge requests.

  • Proper signage is required to be displayed at every entrance and point-of-sale station.

  • Surcharging is prohibited on any debit and EBT transaction. This includes a debit card processing as a credit card sale.

  • The surcharge percentage must not exceed the client’s cost of acceptance.

  • The maximum surcharge fee is 3% of the total amount per transaction.

  • Surcharging is prohibited in 4 states. Clients in the following states may NOT implement surcharging:

    • Connecticut

    • Maine

    • Massachusetts

    • Oklahoma

  • Clients in the following state have a maximum surcharge rate of 2% per government regulations:

    • Colorado

How do I enroll in SpotOn Dual Pricing?

Registration is not required so you can begin using the program earlier than surcharging. You can capture the cost of acceptance on all types of tender. This program is most beneficial for businesses in prohibited states as well as businesses that accept a high volume of debit cards. Contact your sales representative to see if your account is eligible for SpotOn Dual Pricing.

The following rules apply to all SpotOn Dual Pricing clients:

  • Proper signage is recommended to be displayed at every entrance and point-of-sale station.

  • The discount must be from the advertised, list, or menu price. This often involves menu reprinting, but this can be reduced with our QR menu feature.

    • An increase to the advertised price followed by an immediate discount is not a compliant dual pricing program