Edit Guests

Changes to existing guests can easily be done a few different ways.



Change Guest Count

The guest count, i.e., adding or removing guests, can be done on any open orders.





  1. Tap anywhere in the header of the order to open the Ticket Commands menu

  2. In the Ticket Commands menu select Change Guest Count

  3. Enter the appropriate number of guests and press Accept

  4. Confirm ticket displays correct guest count

If using the Change Guest Count feature to remove guests, only guests without assigned menu items can be removed. To remove guests with assigned menu items, you can either use the Remove Guests steps below OR first transfer the items to another guest, then change the guest count. 



Rename Guest

If desired, it is possible to add a custom name for each guest to replace the default Guest #.





  1. Tap on the Guest name (the guest will become highlighted in blue) and then tap on the hamburger icon on the right hand side of the guest name to open the Guest Commands menu

  2. In the Guest Commands menu tap Rename

  3. Enter the guest name and press Accept

  4. Verify guest name displays correctly on the order