Menu Screens - Create Menu Screen | SpotOn Restaurant BOH

Menu Screens are created to house all menu items and groups in one area on the SpotOn Front of House for employees to add menu items to an order.







  1. Tap the Menu Screens icon

  2. Tap the New Item icon ( + ) to create a new Menu Screen

  3. In the General Information section, input the name for the new Menu Screen

  4. Use the drop down menu to set the Quantity Bar Mode to “Left

  5. Tap in the blank area of Layout Preview to access the Menu Screen Editor page

  6. In the Menu Screen Editor there are three panels that can be edited

    • For most Menu Screens only edit the top section, as the bottom section will hold the Main Menu with Menu Screen buttons

7. Click the top panel to access the Add.. Menu options:

Menu Group List is the recommended configuration for all menu screens

  • Command Button- adds a Command Button, i.e., Add Guest, Cancel Order, Quick Send, Print Checks, etc..

  • Menu Group Button- adds a button that when selected will bring up a screen displaying all the Menu Items within the selected Menu Group

  • Menu Group List- instead of adding a Menu Group as a button, this adds the selected Menu Group as a list (this will be the option you use for most Menu Screens)

  • Menu Item Button- adds a single button for a single Menu Item

  • Screen Button- adds a button to an existing Menu Screen

8. Add the appropriate Menu Group

  • Screen buttons should only be added in the Main Menu screen in the bottom panel

  • More than one Menu Group List can be added to a Menu Screen, it is best practice that they be similar Groups, i.e., Menu Groups “Chocolate” and “Dessert” can both be under the Desserts Menu Screen.

9. Click the Menu Screens tab in the top left to return to Menu Screens

10. Repeat steps 2-10 for each Menu Screen required