Create Discount Promo Codes | SpotOn Order

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Create Discount Promo Codes for SpotOn Order

Promo codes are for use by customers and guests online to access discounts, and are set up in the BOH.





  1. Click the Locations icon

  • Select the desired Location(s)

2. In the Settings section, tick the Accept Promo Code Discount checkbox

3. Use the above steps from Create a Discount to create a discount for SpotOn Order


It is good practice to name the discount in a similar fashion to the promo code you will use, to avoid confusion


4. Scroll to the Promo Code section of the discount and click the Add/Update button

5. In the Add/Update Discount Promo Code pop up, input the desired promo code

Promo codes cannot have any spaces

6. Check the Available checkbox

7. Click Save

  • You will see a green Success! popup

8. In the Order Types section, select the SpotOn Order types this discount applies to

9. In the Permissions section, select the designated SpotOn Order User

This discount will affect the entire order, promo codes cannot be created for use on a single item