Void Transaction | PAX S80
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On the PAX S80, when a void is processed the approval code is immediately reversed. If a transaction has been accidentally voided, the transaction will need to be reprocessed or submitted as a 'New Sale' rekey (for assistance with rekey requests please contact support).
Void- Method 1 (Requires card number/card present)
Press F4 or the down arrow to find V/Sale and press Enter
Enter the Transaction ID # and press Enter
Confirm the correct transaction is listed and press Enter
Enter the card number or Swipe the Card
If needed, follow prompts to void: exp, server id, etc
Void- Method 2 (Does not require card number/card present)
Press FUNC
Press 7 for Void
Enter the password (today's date- MMDDYYYY)
Press 1 for Credit
Confirm the correct transaction is listed and press Enter
Enter the Transaction ID # and press Enter
Confirm the correct transaction is listed and press Enter
Press Enter for Yes to void the transaction
Void- Method 3 (Deleting/ No Reversal of Approval Code)
Note: This method does not immediately reverse the transaction, it only deletes the transaction from the terminal. The appr code will not be reversed and can be used to offline the transaction, if necessary.
Press Menu
Press 5 for System Settings
Press 5 for Database
Press 5 for Clear Trans
Enter the password (today's date- MMDDYYYY)
Enter the Transaction ID # and press Enter
Confirm the correct transaction is listed and press Enter
Press Enter for Yes to delete the transaction