SpotOn Delivery Powered by DoorDash | SpotOn Order

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SpotOn Order can now include DoorDash Drive deliveries with SpotOn Delivery powered by DoorDash. This is a great way to offer contactless delivery, increase revenue, and reach new customers. The changes to the existing SpotOn Order experience for customers are minimal, and will show “Delivery” as an order type option.

We can only support one delivery method at this time.  If a restaurant is using internal delivery, but wants DoorDash Drive, they can only use one or the other.

If a restaurant has both internal delivery and DoorDash turned on, DoorDash will override internal.



BOH Setup

Order Type Creation





  1. Click the Order Types icon

  2. Click the New Item icon ( + ) to create a new Order Type

  3. Name the new order type “DoorDash Drive” or “DoorDash Delivery

    • The order type can have any name, but should reference DoorDash to avoid confusion, and it has to be separate from existing order types.

Please see Order Types for additional information regarding order type creation.



Accepting DoorDash Orders





  1. Click the Locations icon, and select the appropriate Location

  2. In the Order Types section, check the box next to the new DoorDash order type

    • This enables the new DoorDash Delivery order type

  3. Scroll to the SpotOn Order Settings section

4. In the SpotOn Order Settings section, click the dropdown menu next to DoorDash Drive Delivery Order Type, and select the order type that was just created

  • This has to be the new, unique order type.  It can NOT be the same as regular delivery or pickup.

  • The new order type must be selected for a restaurant to begin accepting DoorDash orders.

  • This will automatically connect the merchant’s account to DoorDash.  There is no additional setup needed on the DoorDash side.

5. Add a DoorDash Drive Delivery Lead Time. This is the number of minutes before the DoorDash driver will pickup the order. Must be a number between 1 and 999. (Tip: This can be the same amount of time for a regular pickup order)

6. If desired, input a DoorDash Drive Delivery Minimum Amount. This is optional, but it is a good way to offset the cost of DoorDash Drive.




DoorDash Schedule





  1. Tap the Locations icon

  2. Go to Schedule

  3. Set the desired availability

    • Pickup and Third Party Delivery use the same schedule, so this may already be set




A station must be set up to receive DoorDash notifications.  This should be the same station that is already receiving online orders.





  1. Tap the Station Types icon

  2. Select the Station Type that currently accepts online orders

  3. In the Configuration section scroll to “Enable third party delivery notifications” and check the box.

  • When this setting is enabled, all stations using this type will receive alerts when new DoorDash Drive orders and cancellations come in.

    • DoorDash Drive orders will still appear on all stations as regular SpotOn Orders do.

  • For any station that has DoorDash notifications enabled in BOH, there will be a notification at the bottom of the screen when a new DoorDash order comes in.

    • The notification remains until it is closed out

  • The order will print according to settings as a normal online order.




POS Display







  • When the user opens a DoorDash order on the POS, they can see:

    • That it is a DoorDash order

    • The time the delivery driver will pick up the order from the restaurant

    • The DoorDash order number

    • The DoorDash telephone number

    • The driver’s name

    • The driver’s telephone number

  • It will depend on the merchant’s BOH settings if the DoorDash order will close automatically

    • If they have Auto close when balance is zero enabled, once paid for, the DoorDash order will close right away by themselves. 

    • If this setting is not selected, then a POS user needs to close them manually

  • DoorDash orders will be assigned to the DoorDash Drive SpotOn Order user





Merchant Cancels Order

Merchant Cancels Order

  • When cancelling a DoorDash order, tap on the order headers, then press “Cancel Delivery Order” to execute a command that removes all payments and voids all items

    • An error message instructing you to contact DoorDash will be displayed if the order can’t be cancelled

      • If DoorDash approves the cancellation they’ll cancel it on their side, and then it will look as if DoorDash initiated the cancellation.

    • The user will need to confirm before it is cancelled

  • When an order is cancelled from the POS, we send a notification to DoorDash

    • DoorDash will send an email notification to the customer that the order has been cancelled

    • User sees a confirmation that the order was cancelled

  • The order cannot be cancelled if the order delivery time is within 2 hours

    • DoorDash Drive must be contacted to initiate the cancellation



DoorDash or Customer Cancels Order

DoorDash or Customer Cancels Order

  • Scenario 1: DoorDash initially accepts the order but then cancels it, the restaurant receives a notification on any POS station marked as a DoorDash station

    • A DoorDash initiated cancel will pop up a toast notification

    • All payments and items are voided

    • A ticket is printed noting that the order was canceled in large, bold letters at the top of the ticket

      • The ticket prints as a guest receipt/kitchen req in accordance with where SpotOn Orders are set to print

  • Scenario 2: DoorDash immediately rejects the order

    • Other than the order possibly flashing on the POS screen, the restaurant will not even know that the order ever took place (it may be seen in list orders, under closed orders, with no items on it)

    • The order is destroyed and voided and won’t even be shown

    • The customer will see an error message on SpotOn Order

    • Nothing is printed

    • The customer will not receive the confirmation email

  • Scenario 3: The order is completed and DoorDash Drive finalizes the driver reservation, and then later cancels the order before the items are released/sent to the kitchen

    • The order is voided and closed

    • A cancelled kitchen req will be printed with !ORDER CANCELLED! at the top

    • If “Print Guest Check When Order Is Placed” is enabled, it will print a cancelled guest check with !ORDER CANCELLED! at the top

    • Customer receives a cancellation email/text from DoorDash

    • The order will not show in the customer’s order history

  • Scenario 4: The order is completed and DoorDash Drive finalizes the driver reservation, and then later cancels the order after the items are released/sent to the kitchen

    • The items are voided and the surcharges/payments are removed from the order, and then it is closed

    • A cancelled kitchen req will be printed with !ORDER CANCELLED! at the top

    • If “Print Guest Check When Order Is Placed” is enabled it will print a cancelled guest check with !ORDER CANCELLED! at the top

    • Customer receives a cancellation email/text from DoorDash

    • The order will not show in the customer’s order history

  • Scenario 5: Order is cancelled, but the order has some sent items and some unsent items (can only occur if the order was modified via the FOH)

    • The unsent items will be completely removed from the order

    • The order is voided and closed

    • A cancelled kitchen req will be printed with !ORDER CANCELLED! at the top.

    • If “Print Guest Check When Order Is Placed” is enabled we will print a cancelled guest check with !ORDER CANCELLED! at the top

    • Customer receives a cancellation email/text from DoorDash

    • The order will not show in the customer’s order history

    • FOH changes will not be reflected on the DoorDash Drive side



SpotOn Order Customer View with DoorDash Delivery





When the customer visits the restaurant's SpotOn Order site, there will be an option to select delivery if DoorDash Drive is enabled.

After the order selections have been made, the customer will be prompted to input the delivery address. If they are outside delivery range, or delivery is unavailable due to scheduling, the guest will be able to select Pickup instead.

If delivery is available, the guest will be able to choose Contactless or Regular Delivery and add any additional delivery requests, i.e., “Leave items on doorstep and ring bell”.