End of Day | SpotOn Serve

End of Day | SpotOn Serve

Quick Links

End of Day Permissions (BOH)





1. Click the Job Positions icon


2. Select the Job Position(s) that will be able to End Day

3. Scroll to Permissions

4. In the Cash Management section, check the End Day checkbox

End of Day Process

Please note, this process is only available on versions 3.2.1 and above





1. Select User icon in the top left corner to open the UserSettings drop-down menu

2. Select End of Day

3. Close any Open Orders

If there are open orders there will be a purple banner letting you know that all orders need to be closed.

4. When all orders have been closed, a notification will display, prompting you to Go to End Day


5. To clock out employees from the End of Day screen you can press the menu overflow buttons (three dots in the top right) and select Clocked in Employees, or press the next arrow in the lower right, which will direct you to the clock out screen

6. To clock an employee out press the Clock Out button

7. After clocking all employees out, you’ll be returned back to the End of Day screen and see a notification that you are the only person left clocked in

8. You can print your End of day report on your receipt printer by going to the menu overflow buttons (three dots in top right) and press the Print Report button

  • A notification will appear letting you know the report has been printed

9. Press End Day

10. A prompt will appear on the screen asking for confirmation

  • To return to the End of Day screen press No, Thanks

  • To proceed press Yes, End Day

11. On the End of Day success popup, press Continue

12. If you are ready to clock out, press Yes, Clock out

  • To remain logged in, tap No, thanks

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