Settings | Dashboard | SpotOn Express

Quick Links


An overview of the Account Settings & User Settings pages where all administrative work can be completed.

Account Settings

This page displays navigation to the following settings with bullets explaining the options within each page:

Business Information

  • General Information

  • Phone & Time Zone

  • Business Hours

  • Profile Photo

  • Mobile Hero Image


  • Change Password

  • Two-factor Authentication

Taxes & Fees

  • Tax Settings

  • Fee Settings


  • Standard Discounts

  • By Tender Type

Orders & Tips

  • Tip Settings










Create a Tax

1. Select the Add Tax button.





2. An Add New Tax prompt will display fields to enter the following:

  • Tax Name - Enter a name to easily identify the type of tax

  • Percent - Enter the tax percentage amount

  • Default Tax - Toggle to set this as the default tax that is applied to all items


3. Select Save to complete the tax creation.



4. A banner will notify the tax was successfully created.



Edit/Delete a Tax

1. Select the pencil icon on the right side of a tax to edit it.

2. Select the trash can icon on the far right side of a tax to delete it.








Create a Fee

1. Select the Add Fee button.


2. An Add New Fee prompt will display fields to enter the following:

  • Fee Name - Enter a name to easily identify the type of fee

  • Percent - Enter the fee percentage amount


3. Select Save to complete the fee creation.



4. A banner will notify the fee was successfully created.



Edit/Delete a Fee

1. Select the pencil icon on the right side of a fee to edit it.

2. Select the trash can icon on the far right side of a fee to delete it.









Create a Discount

1. Select the Add Discount button.



2. An Add New Discount prompt will display fields to enter the following:

  • Discount Name - Enter a name to easily identify the type of discount

  • Amount - Enter the discount percentage or dollar amount


3. Select Save to complete the fee creation.



4. A banner will notify the discount was successfully created.



Edit/Delete a Discount

1. Select the pencil icon on the right side of a discount to edit it.

2. Select the trash can icon on the far right side of a discount to delete it.









Accept Tips

1. To enable tips, select the checkbox next to Accept Tips.


2. Enter up to 3 Tip Presets to be presented to customers upon checkout. Tip options will also include none and a custom amount.


3. Toggle the tip to be calculated on either:

  • On Subtotal

  • On Total Amount


4. Select Save, at the top right, to complete the tipping setup.


User Settings

Create Users and assign Permissions based on their role.







Add New User

1. Select the Add New User button.


2. A panel will display the following fields:

  • First Name - Enter employee's first name

  • Last Name - Enter employee’s last name

  • Email - Enter Manager’s email (this option will only be displayed if Set as Manager is toggled on)

  • PIN Code - 6 digit code for POS access

  • Set as Manager - Toggle to grant user Manager permissions


Select Save to complete the user setup.



Edit/Delete a User

1. Select the Edit option to the right of a user to edit their information.

2. Select the trash can icon on the far right to delete a user.




Send Forgot Password Email to User

1. Select the Password dropdown.

2. Select Send Forgot Password Email.



3. A banner is displayed alerting the Forgot password email was successfully sent.



Deactivate a User

1. Select the toggle located at the top right corner of the desired user.

2. A prompt displays option to confirm the deactivation or cancel.