Settings | Dashboard | SpotOn Express

Quick Links


An overview of the Account Settings & User Settings pages where all administrative work can be completed.

Account Settings

This page displays navigation to the following settings with bullets explaining the options within each page:

Business Information

  • General Information

  • Phone & Time Zone

  • Business Hours

  • Profile Photo

  • Mobile Hero Image


  • Change Password

  • Two-factor Authentication

Taxes & Fees

  • Tax Settings

  • Fee Settings


  • Standard Discounts

  • By Tender Type

Orders & Tips

  • Tip Settings










Create a Tax

1. Select the Add Tax button.





2. An Add New Tax prompt will display fields to enter the following:

  • Tax Name - Enter a name to easily identify the type of tax

  • Percent - Enter the tax percentage amount

  • Default Tax - Toggle to set this as the default tax that is applied to all items


3. Select Save to complete the tax creation.



4. A banner will notify the tax was successfully created.



Edit/Delete a Tax

1. Select the pencil icon on the right side of a tax to edit it.

2. Select the trash can icon on the far right side of a tax to delete it.








Create a Fee

1. Select the Add Fee button.


2. An Add New Fee prompt will display fields to enter the following:

  • Fee Name - Enter a name to easily identify the type of fee

  • Percent - Enter the fee percentage amount


3. Select Save to complete the fee creation.



4. A banner will notify the fee was successfully created.



Edit/Delete a Fee

1. Select the pencil icon on the right side of a fee to edit it.

2. Select the trash can icon on the far right side of a fee to delete it.









Create a Discount

1. Select the Add Discount button.



2. An Add New Discount prompt will display fields to enter the following:

  • Discount Name - Enter a name to easily identify the type of discount

  • Amount - Enter the discount percentage or dollar amount


3. Select Save to complete the fee creation.



4. A banner will notify the discount was successfully created.



Edit/Delete a Discount

1. Select the pencil icon on the right side of a discount to edit it.

2. Select the trash can icon on the far right side of a discount to delete it.









Accept Tips

1. To enable tips, select the checkbox next to Accept Tips.


2. Enter up to 3 Tip Presets to be presented to customers upon checkout. Tip options will also include none and a custom amount.


3. Toggle the tip to be calculated on either:

  • On Subtotal

  • On Total Amount


4. Select Save, at the top right, to complete the tipping setup.