Create an Advanced Pricing Event

Pricing Events can range in complexity from the simple Happy Hour event to more complicated offerings such as Buy One Get One. While the system has no clean way of offering BOGO, there is a way to utilize Make Event Items Unavailable, Sub-Item Groups, and a Pricing Event to accomplish a BOGO deal.



The below Pricing Event instructions demonstrate setting up a BOGO Pricing Event limited to one night of the week with buttons that disappear when the Event is not on offer. A few different advanced techniques and Pricing Event setups can be combined to accomplish this.

Scenario: “Slider” focused restaurant is running a BOGO special on Mondays from 4pm to 9pm. Included Event Items are the Sliders listened under the Menu Item Group “Sliders”





  1. Set up the Blackout times for the Event Items:

    • Tap the Pricing Events icon

    • Tap the New Item icon ( + ) to create a new Pricing Event

    • Use the text field in the General Information section to name the New Event

    • In the Schedule section setup a ( + ) New Days linkage with every day besides Monday selected and Time Kind set to All Day

    • Set up two more New Days with Monday selected, one with the Custom Time Kind set before the Event, and one set after the Event

      • To make the Event Items disappear you must set the times they are not seen, not the time they are available

2. Create two new Menu Item Groups, one to use as the featured group, and one to attach to the featured group as a Sub Item Group. These two new Menu Item Groups will need to have the same Menu Items in each, which will be done after the Groups are created.

  • Tap the Menu Item Groups icon

  • Tap the New Item icon ( + ) to create a new Menu Item Group

  • In the General Information section, name the Menu Item Group appropriately

For more information on creating Menu Item Groups click here

3. Navigate back to the original Menu Item Group that is to be featured in the Pricing Event

  • From the Menu Items section of the original Menu Group, click Edit Menu Items

  • Select all the Menu Items by clicking on the check mark button below Menu Item list on the left

    • This will allow all Menu Items to be edited at the same time

  • Scroll down to the Menu Item Groups section and add all the Menu Items to the new Menu Item Groups:

    • Use the text field to search for the Menu Item Groups by name

    • Tick the checkbox by each Group to add

4. Navigate back to the Pricing Event

  • In the Event Items section select ( + ) New Event

  • Configure the Event details

    • Kind- Menu Group

    • Group/Item- Featured Menu Group

    • Adjustment Kind- No adjustment is needed

5. Navigate back to the featured Menu Item Group

  • In the Menu Items section select Edit Menu Items

  • In turn, select each Menu Item and scroll to the Sub Items Group

  • Click the ( + ) New Linkage button

  • In the Menu Group column, use the drop down menu to select the Menu Items Group created to use as the Sub Item

  • Repeat this for all Menu Items