Printing & Receipts | SpotOn Sidekick

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Printing / Receipts

There are three types of receipts that can be printed with SpotOn Sidekick; itemized guest check (prior to payment), receipt after payment to add tip and/or signature, and receipt after payment to reflect tip (when tip/signature have been done on the device).

Send Receipt





  1. When payment is complete, select a receipt option:

    • Email

      • Enter guest email address and send

    • Print

      • Prints a physical copy from the built in printer

Printing and Receipts FAQ

Does Sidekick send tickets to the printers when on cellular?

Yes. Printing will work according to the configuration in the BOH no matter on what network type you are using.

Should a new printer for every Sidekick be created?

Yes, create one for each handheld. For more information on setting up new printers, please see Printers (SpotOn Restaurant BOH)

Will SpotOn Sidekick print receipts for the server and the customer separately?

Currently SpotOn Sidekick will print only one credit card receipt. A second copy can be printed by pressing “Print” again.

BOH Settings for Printing Signature Slips

Changes to the BOH settings require the SpotOn Sidekick app to be restarted to take effect





  1. Tap the Payments icon

  2. Select credit card payment type

  3. Check the Print Signable Receipt When Applicable box

  1. Tap the Stations icon

  2. Select desired station

  3. Uncheck Credit Card Signature Screen box

  4. In the # Credit Card Receipts field, indicate the desired number of copies to print

    • Note: Android is ignoring this setting for now and will currently only print one copy

Check Credit Card Signature Screen box to disable printing signature slip

  1. Tap the Printers icon

  2. Select the appropriate printer

  3. In the Model drop down, select PAX A920