Customers & Loyalty | SpotOn Restaurant

Quick Links


There is a small Customers section on the main page of the SpotOn Merchant Dashboard, this acts as a quick glance or brief overview. There is more information in the Customers tab, which is located in the menu on the right-hand side of the Dashboard beneath Reviews. The Customers tab allows for the manual addition or subtraction of Spots from a customer account, contains an import tool for customer lists, as well as a section for loyalty performance to make analyzing customer data very simple.

Customers Section of Main Dashboard





On the main dashboard you can view customer details by the following filters:

  • Today

  • 1 month ago

  • 6 months ago

  • 1 year ago

This section displays Active Customers and New Customers

  1. Click Go to Customers or select the Customers tab from the right hand Menu to access the full Customers tab



Import Customers





1. From the Customers tab, scroll to the Customer Directory and click Import Customers

  • The Import Contacts popup will display

2. Click Download Template to download your custom template for easy importation

Accepted Formats: Comma Separated Values (.csv)

Please contact support or call (877)-814-4102 if you are having trouble uploading your customers.

3. Use the Drag and Drop option or click or select it from your computer to select the appropriate file to import

4. Check the I agree to the Terms & Conditions checkbox

5. If desired, check the box next to Send your imported customers an email to learn more about SpotOn to send an automated email to all newly imported customers letting them know about the program.

  • Please note, a more personalized email can be sent out to recently added customers via the Marketing Editor. Please see Create Campaign, specifically the Schedule Campaign section for details on how to achieve this.

6. Click Import

Note: Uploading a customer list can take up to 4 hours. A confirmation email will be sent with the total number of customers imported and where any contacts on the spreadsheet that were unable to be imported are located




Loyalty Performance

The Loyalty Performance section gives detailed insight into customer history and trends. The graph can be manipulated to display certain categories of customers and specific date ranges.





View by Date

1. Select the date range on the right to view:

  • Custom

    • To view a custom date range, use the calendars to choose a beginning, and an end date

  • This Month

  • Today

  • Last Week

  • This Week

  • Last Month

  • Click Apply Filters

2. The Loyalty Performance graph will adjust to the specified dates

3. Position your cursor over a specific date on the graph to view the metrics for that day

View by Check-Ins or Customer Type

This will display the information for the dates selected above the Loyalty Performance section.

  • In the Loyalty Performance section, select the Check-ins button to view Check-Ins OR one of the following buttons to view customer types:

    • New Customers

    • Repeat Customers

    • Imported Customers

  • The Loyalty Performance graph will adjust with each button selected

  • Position your cursor over a specific date to view the metrics for that day



Customer Directory





The Customer Directory section has eight columns:

  • Customer Name

  • Member ID

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Avg. Spend

  • Total Spend

  • Last Visit

  • First Seen

  1. To sort each column, click the column header

  2. Use the Search bar to search for customers by:

    • Name

    • Card #

    • Email

  3. To show more customers click the page number or > buttons at the end of the list displayed

  4. To view a customer and their details, click the desired customer’s data line



Customer Profile

Within the customer profile you have the ability to view their check-in history, Spot balance, available deals, transaction history, and more.





1. From the Customer Activity section, select the customer to view

The Customer Profile page displays the following:

  • Customer Name

  • Spot Balance

  • Card(s)

  • First and Last Visits

  • Birthday (if on file)

  • Whether the customer is opted in for Deals and Offers

  • Detailed Transaction History

  • Deals Available to the customer

Edit Spots

1. Click the Edit Spots button

2. Input the number of Spots to add or remove in the text field, i.e., to add ten Spots type “10”, and to remove ten Spots type “-10”

  • Alternatively, you can use the ( + ) or ( - ) buttons to add/subtract Spots

3. When the desired number of Spots is reached, click Save

Email Customer

1. Click the Email button

2. In the Email Message popup, type your message. There is a minimum requirement of 2 characters and a maximum of 1000

3. When the email message is complete, click Preview

4. Confirm the message is complete and accurate

  • Click the Back button to return to the previous screen to make any desired changes

5. Click Send

Add / View Notes

1. Click the Notes button

  • Any current Notes will display

2. To add a new note, click Add Note

3. Input the desired notation, click Add

  • Be mindful of the 1000 character limit

    • The new Note will display

4. To edit or remove a Note, click Edit next to the note in the Notes popup

Order History / Void

The Order History section has columns displaying previous transaction details including:

  • Time & Date

  • Source

  • Amount

  • Spot Earned/Redeemed

  1. Columns can be sorted by clicking the individual column header

  2. To void a transaction, click the Void button in the Details column

    • A popup will display, to continue with the void, click Confirm



Customers & Loyalty Tutorial Video

Stay connected with your customers from the SpotOn Dashboard.


  • Easily import a customer list, using a provided .CSV template

  • Automatically send an email to your imported customers to learn more

  • Add customers individually

  • Add Notes to document your customer’s preferences

  • Send individual emails

  • View customer loyalty history

Click play below to watch a video tutorial detailing how to import and add customers, add notes, send emails and more, all via your SpotOn Dashboard