Daily Sales Recap Report | SpotOn Restaurant Reporting


Daily Sales Recap (DSR)

The Daily Sales Recap, DSR, or z-report provides every metric needed to close out a given day, and start a new day fresh. This is one of the most important and highly utilized reports a restaurant can use.

Get very familiar with this reporting feature and note the interactive links that allow you to drill down and access very granular data.


DSR Export Example

Sales Table Configuration

The “Sales Table” of the Daily Sales Recap can be configured based on the desire of the merchant, three different ways, listed below. These different configurations make this data viewable on the Daily Sales Recap, opposed to needing to access other reports to acquire this data.


This is an internal setting that a SpotOn Support specialist would need to configure for any client. Support can be reached at support@spoton.com

Please include restaurant name, MID, and desired DSR configuration in order to get the request handled promptly.

Default configurations for new accounts





Sales, Voids, Actual, Discounts, Refunds, Net Sales

Gross Sales, Discounts, Adjusted, Taxes, Refunds, Net Sales (DSR View)

Sales, Voids, Actual, Discounts, Taxes, Refunds, Net Sales (DSR View):