Paging Messages | SpotOn Reserve Web Portal

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Paging and Text Confirmations

Guests can be sent SMS text messages when they are put on a waitlist, when their table is ready, when their take out order is ready and to confirm their reservation. The messages can be modified to suit the needs of each restaurant location.

To access the Guest Paging Settings, log into the SpotOn Reserve Web Portal, click Settings, the select Paging Messages

Paging Basics

You can include the following merge codes that will be replaced with contextual data at the time the message is sent.

Merge Code


Display in Message Sent to Guest

Merge Code


Display in Message Sent to Guest


The customer’s first name



The size of the reservation party



The date of the reservation

Tue Dec 28


The time of the reservation



Estimated wait time of the wait list, or take out

32 min

  • Messages must be 160 characters or less

  • NOTE: When using Merge Codes in messages, brackets [ ] must be used or the message will not work. Do not use parentheses ( ) or braces { }



Wait List





  1. In the Wait List section, there are several fields for custom messages:

    • Wait list welcome message- Sent to guests when they join the waitlist

    • Wait list welcome message external- Sent to guest when they join the wait list from an outside source like web, google, etc.

    • Wait list wait time decreased message- Sent to guest when their wait time decreases and were not a walk up e.g. they booked online

    • Wait list wait time increased message- Sent to guest when their wait time increases and were not a walk up e.g. they booked online

    • Wait position URL message- Sent to guest at addition to wait list, a link showing customer wait position and time

    • Decline wait list message- Sent to guest when a host declines their online addition to the wait list

  2. To customize any of these messages, type the desired new message in the appropriate text fields where the default messages appear

    • Be mindful of the 160 character limit

    • Make sure to confirm that the proper merge code(s) is preserved in the text

  3. Click the blue Save button when all changes have been made, or scroll to the next section to continue editing









  1. In the Reservations section, there are several fields for custom messages:

    • Reservation booked message- Sent to the guest when they book a reservation and do not have an email on file

    • Confirm reservation message- Sent to the guest 24 hours before the reservation time, requesting to confirm or cancel

    • Confirm reservation SMS choices- Choices presented to guests when confirming a reservation via SMS. These are the response options the guests can use to advise the restaurant whether they are confirming their reservation or cancelling it

    • Confirm reservation phone- Choices presented to guests when confirming a reservation via phone call. These are the response options the guests can use to advise the restaurant whether they are on their way, or canceling

    • Confirm reservation reply- A reply sent to a guest when they confirm their reservation

    • Cancel reservation reply- A reply sent to a guest who has cancelled their reservation

  2. To customize any of these messages, type the desired new message in the appropriate text fields where the default messages appear

    • Be mindful of the 160 character limit

    • Make sure to confirm that the proper merge code(s) is preserved in the text

  3. Click the blue Save button when all changes have been made, or scroll to the next section to continue editing









  1. In the Paging section, there are several fields for custom paging messages:

    • Table ready message- Sent to guest when the restaurant pages them that their table is ready

    • SMS choices- Choices presented to guest when paging via SMS. These options let the guest respond to the restaurant that they are on their way or canceling

    • Phone- Choices presented to guest when paging via phone. These options let the guest respond to the restaurant that they are on their way or canceling

    • Confirm table ready reply- Sent to guest as a reply when they say are on their way back to the restaurant after being paged that their table is ready

    • Cancel table ready reply- Sent to guest as a reply when they say are not coming back to the restaurant after being paged that their table is ready

  2. To customize any of these messages, type the desired new message in the appropriate text fields where the default messages appear

    • Be mindful of the 160 character limit

    • Make sure to confirm that the proper merge code(s) is preserved in the text

  3. Click the blue Save button when all changes have been made, or scroll to the next section to continue editing









  1. In the SpotOn section, there is the following custom message:

    • Mobile order message- Guest will receive this message as soon as they are sat at their table giving them a link to start their order immediately before a server arrives

  2. To customize this message, type the desired new message in the appropriate text field where the default message appears

    • Be mindful of the 160 character limit

    • Make sure to confirm that the proper merge code(s) is preserved in the text

  3. Click the blue Save button when all changes have been made, or scroll to the next section to continue editing

Image Coming Soon!



Mid Meal Check In





  1. In the Mid Meal Check In section, there are several fields for custom messages:

    • Mid meal message- Sent to the guest approximately 10 minutes after seating as a mid meal check in message to see how their experience is going so far

    • Mid meal SMS choices- Choices presented to guest when replying to a mid meal page via SMS, these options let the guest respond to the restaurant that they are happy or sad with their current meal experience

    • Happy with meal reply- Sent to the guest when they reply they are happy with their meal experience

    • Sad with meal reply- Sent to the guest when they reply they are unhappy with their meal experience

  2. To customize any of these messages, type the desired new message in the appropriate text fields where the default messages appear

    • Be mindful of the 160 character limit

    • Make sure to confirm that the proper merge code(s) is preserved in the text

  3. Click the blue Save button when all changes have been made




Take Out





  1. In the Take Out section, there are several fields for custom paging messages:

    • Take Out Welcome Message- Sent to the guest when they join the take out list

    • Take Out Ready Message- Sent to the guest when their take out order is ready

    • Confirm Take Out Ready Reply- A reply sent to they guest when they confirm they are on their way to the restaurant

    • Take Out Cancel Message- Sent to the guest when the restaurant cancels their take out order

  2. To customize any of these messages, type the desired new message in the appropriate text fields where the default messages appear

    • Be mindful of the 160 character limit

    • Make sure to confirm that the proper merge code(s) is preserved in the text

  3. Click the blue Save button when all changes have been made