Lead Times | SpotOn Order

Lead Times | SpotOn Order

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SpotOn Order Lead Times

Lead times are how much time the restaurant needs to prepare an Online Order before it is ready, or delivered. A Lead Time of 30 minutes for a pickup order indicates it will be at least 30 minutes until the order is available for pick up. SpotOn Order Lead Times are initially configured during the SpotOn Order Types setup, but they can also be adjusted as necessary in the FOH.

SpotOn Order Lead Time Setup (BOH)





  1. Tap on the Locations icon

  2. Scroll to Dineloyal/SpotOn Order Ordering Settings

  3. In the Pickup Lead Time section, input the appropriate Lead Time, in minutes

    • This is the amount of time needed to prepare an order (on average). If lead time is set to 20 minutes, and an order is placed for 4pm, the ticket will print at 3:40pm.

    • A Pickup Order Type must be selected for this feature

  4. In the Delivery Lead Time section, input the appropriate Lead Time, in minutes

    • This is the same concept as Pickup Lead time, but here, consider the time needed to also deliver the food.

    • A Delivery Order Type must be selected for this feature

Please see SpotOn Order Types Settings for details on setting up SpotOnOrder Types, as the Back Office settings are used primarily during the initial setup.




Adjusting SpotOn Order Lead Time (FOH)

In the FOH, adjustments to Lead Times can be made as necessary through the Show Commands menu.





  1. Tap on Show Commands to access the Select Command … menu

  2. Tap Set Online Lead Times to pull up the Update Lead Times options

  3. Select the SpotOn Order Type you would like to adjust, i.e., SpotOn Order-Pickup or SpotOn Order-Delivery

    • The current Lead Time will display in orange beneath the Order Type name

  4. In the Edit Online Order’s Lead Time (In Minutes) pop up, input the new Lead Time for the SpotOn Order Order Type

  5. Tap Accept

    • A green popup will display at the bottom of the screen indicating the Lead Time was successfully updated


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